Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eka Pada Sirsana

I did an Asana Intensive class at Octopus Garden on Monday. The pose we worked towards was Eka Pada Sirsana - leg behind the head pose. We spent most of the two hour class doing hip openers and back bends before attempting the (nearly) impossible. I actually managed to do it on my left (more flexible) side!

I love the rush of excitement and pride and humility that I feel when I finally manage to conquer a difficult pose. Before I started practicing yoga, I wouldn't have expected it to make me feel as humble as I do. I am so grateful to my body for working as hard as it does, for holding out a few more seconds even when I've reached my edge. I am constantly in awe of the changes that I see in it, the way it's  slowly but surely becoming faster, harder, stronger.

That being said, after the Asana Intensive (and after biking home in the stifling heat), I stumbled through my door, fell onto the couch and didn't move for a good fifteen minutes. 

All in all it was an amazing class, and I'm so glad that I went. My hips will definitely never be the same.

In other news, Project Halifax is going well. I smiled at everyone on the street as I walked to and from work and went out of my way to make friendly conversation. In a weird way, I feel like I can change things, one friendly interaction at a time.

In keeping with the Halifax theme, today's picture is one that I took while in the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia back in May. It's of a fiddlehead fern, which are delicious in stir-fries and salads. I love the feeling I get from the picture, of something fantastic about to unfurl.


Unknown said...

It's cool that you practice at Octopus Garden... great studio, and good teachers. I have friends who teach there, they are excellent.

Great blog, I'll add you to my reader and look forward to more posts. I love Project Halifax, and I wish you continued luck in bringing a taste of Maritime friendliness to the mean streets of Toronto!

Annabellie said...

I love Octopus Garden - they have a really lovely vibe, and every teacher I've tried there has been fantastic. I practice at a couple of different studios, and I'm always looking for something new, but I'm at Octopus about once a week.

Thanks for being my first commenter and for well-wishing!