When Matt and I got engaged, I was very nonchalant about the whole wedding thing. In fact, I may have even bragged that planning a wedding wouldn't be too tough, since I'm pretty chill about it.
Dudes, it is exhausting.
Every weekend I have off, we pack up a rental car and drive to Kingston. Since this is where my mother lives now (she moved there after I left for school), this is where the wedding will be.
Don't get me wrong - I'm super excited! I love my dress, the church is adorable, the reception hall is old and gorgeous and right on the water. I'm just really, really exhausted right now. Also, I feel like I'm going to forget something big, like we'll get to the reception and there will be no cake.
Except I did order the cake from a really tiny, sweet Kingston bakery, and it's going to be chocolate.
We did manage to take some time out from planning to go out to the Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area this weekend. It was really nice just to walk around and breathe fresh air and not worry about anything for a few hours. We saw a turtle, a couple of snakes, and a TON of frogs. Seriously, every step resulted in at least one or two frogs jumping out of our path. The picture above is of a tiny one that jumped into my hands.
I know this is supposed to be a yoga blog, but there's not much yoga going on this week. I'm still keeping up my home practice (although my handstand this morning was probably one of the worst I've ever done), but unfortunately I don't have much time for classes.
Friday I'm going to something called Fake Prom. It will be vintage dresses + nice people + booze. An excellent combination!